5 Dog Toys and Treats You Didn’t Know You Needed

Monica Pirani
4 min readMar 13, 2023
Photo by marieke koenders on Unsplash

Me and my spouse adopted a mixed breed rescue named Summer seven months ago. Although our adorable 60% retriever mutt recently turned one year old she’s gonna be in the “puppy” phase for at least another year, so being active and engaged is wildly important for her mental health. While we play a lot, sometimes I just need a half hour or so to get stuff done and for that to happen she needs something to occupy her time.

Believe me when I say I’ve spent many a late night hour digging through subreddits, blogs, and customer reviews to find toys and treats that were engaging, safe, not a choking hazard, and mentally stimulating. Here are five of them that have saved our sanity and hers.

Pupsicle by Woof

This treat holder is infinitely refillable and easy to clean (top rack dishwasher safe). We use it so often that I purchased two of the Pupsicle starter packs because its nice to have a backup while the other is in the dishwasher. Plus having two molds allows me to make more treats ahead of time that I can just store in the freezer. The pupsicle keeps our dog entertained for about 20–30 minutes depending on what we use to make the treats. Summer’s personal fav: blended oat milk, oat yogurt, chicken broth and peanut butter. Available at MyWoof.com.

Snuffle Ball by Ablechien

Foraging is a great stress reliever for your dog, especially those who might be a bit more on the anxious side. The Ablechien Snuffle Ball keeps my dog engaged for up to 30 minutes. I fill it up two to three times with Old Mother Hubbard Training Bitz and Bocce’s Bakery training bites, because she loves them but also because they don’t make a gooey mess of the ball. Bonus, it’s machine wash and dryer safe which makes cleaning it a breeze. Available on Amazon.

Bully Stick Holder by Bully Grip

While I never leave my dog unattended with a chew, putting her bully sticks in a Bully Grip helps relax my nerves a bit while she’s nomming. The Bully Grip gives her something to hold on to and prevents choking and stomach blockage. It’s a bit difficult to get the bully stick into the Bully Grip but once it’s in there it’s pretty damn secure. They come in different sizes, so make sure to buy one that is snug and tight around the bullies you use. Available on Amazon.

P.S. Even “No-Smell” bully sticks stink, and even with a Bully Grip a bully stick is still a choking hazard. Don’t leave your dog alone or unattended if they are chewing on one.

Beef Cheek Roll by Redbarn

One of these beef cheeks lasts my 55lb medium chewer about a month. It’s too wide for her to get her whole mouth around so she can’t demolish it quickly or break pieces off, but it keeps her engaged enough that she keeps coming back to it throughout the day. Available on Chewy.com.

Wicked Ball PE by Cheerble

The Cheerble Wicked Ball is great for rainy days or when she’s hyped up and has a lot of after dinner energy to spare. We’ll play fetch with the Wicked Ball for 10–15 minutes straight and then sometimes she’ll play with it on her own. The ball automatically moves, shakes or bounces depending on which setting you choose. You have to press the on/off button firmly but otherwise it’s a great toy that is built to withstand tumbles, slobber, and teeth. Available on Amazon or Cheerble.com.

This post contains affiliate links. Whats that mean? It means that when you tap on a link and purchase something from Amazon, I get paid a few pennies. I DO use these toys and treats, and no one has paid me to write this piece. Literally no one. I did this for free. I’d LOVE for someone to pay me to write, but this is not that kind of post.

